Midea Dishwasher Error Codes (with solutions)

Midea dishwashers are designed to simplify your dishwashing routine, encountering error codes can be a bit perplexing.

Fear not!

In this troubleshooting guide, we’ll walk you through common Midea dishwasher error codes, what they mean, and how you can resolve them to get your dishwasher back to its sparkling best.

Midea dishwashers come equipped with a handy error code system to help diagnose issues quickly. When your dishwasher encounters a problem, it may display an error code on its control panel.

These codes typically consist of letters and numbers, each representing a specific issue.

Midea Dishwasher Error Codes (with solutions)

Let’s dive into some of the most common error codes you might encounter and what steps you can take to resolve them:


This error code usually indicates a water inlet problem. Start by checking that the water supply to the dishwasher is turned on and that the inlet hose isn’t kinked or clogged.

Ensure the inlet valve is functioning correctly and isn’t blocked with debris. If everything seems fine, but the error persists, it might be a faulty inlet valve that needs replacement.

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An E2 error often points to a drainage issue. Begin by inspecting the dishwasher’s drain hose for any blockages or kinks. Make sure the drain hose is installed correctly and that the drain pump is free from debris.

Sometimes, simply clearing out any obstructions can resolve this error. If the problem persists, there may be an underlying issue with the drain pump or its wiring.

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When you see an E3 error, it typically indicates a problem with the temperature sensor. Ensure that the dishwasher is connected to a reliable power source and that the circuit breaker hasn’t tripped.

If the power supply is fine, but the error persists, you may need to replace the temperature sensor.


This error code usually signifies a water overflow issue. Check the dishwasher’s float switch to ensure it moves freely and isn’t obstructed by any debris.

Inspect the dishwasher’s interior for any signs of water leakage or overflowing. If everything appears normal, but the error persists, there may be a fault with the float switch or the water level sensor.


An E5 error typically indicates a problem with the door switch or latch. Ensure that the dishwasher’s door is securely closed and latched.

If the error persists, inspect the door switch and its wiring for any signs of damage or loose connections. Replacing a faulty door switch should resolve this issue.

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Final Thoughts

Encountering error codes on your Midea dishwasher can be frustrating, but armed with this troubleshooting guide, you can quickly diagnose and resolve common issues.

Remember to refer to your dishwasher’s user manual for specific error code meanings and troubleshooting steps. If you’re unable to resolve the problem on your own, don’t hesitate to contact Midea customer support or a qualified technician for assistance.

With a little patience and know-how, you’ll have your Midea dishwasher running smoothly again in no time!

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