Dyson Cordless Vacuum Problems: 7 Common Issues (solutions)

Dyson cordless vacuums have revolutionized the way we clean our homes, offering convenience, mobility, and powerful suction in a compact design.

However, like any other appliance, they can encounter issues from time to time.

In this article, we’ll explore some common problems you may encounter with your Dyson cordless vacuum and provide troubleshooting steps to help you get back to your cleaning routine.

Dyson Cordless Vacuum Problems: 7 Common Issues (solutions)

The most common Dyson cordless vacuum problems are loss of suction, battery life, vacuum shutting off, and the brush bar not spinning.

Now I have answered the main question, let’s dive into troubleshooting.

Poor Suction or Reduced Power:

One of the most frustrating issues you may face with your Dyson cordless vacuum is poor suction or reduced power.

This can be caused by several factors, but the most common ones are clogged filters, blockages, or a low battery charge.


  • Start by checking the filters and cleaning or replacing them if necessary. Washable filters should be rinsed under cold water and left to dry for at least 24 hours before reinserting them.
  • Inspect the vacuum’s brush bar and nozzle for any blockages or tangled hair. Use scissors or a brush to remove any debris that may be obstructing the airflow.
  • Ensure the battery is fully charged before use, as a low battery can affect the vacuum’s performance. If the battery no longer holds a charge, it may need to be replaced.

Related Articles: Dyson Vacuum Lost Suction (Solved)

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Vacuum Shuts Off Unexpectedly:

If your Dyson cordless vacuum shuts off unexpectedly during use, it can be frustrating and disrupt your cleaning routine.

The most common causes of this issue are an overheated motor, blockages, or a faulty battery.


  • Allow the vacuum to cool down for at least an hour if the motor has overheated. Check for any blockages and remove them to ensure proper airflow.
  • If the vacuum shuts off consistently, even after cooling down, it may indicate a battery issue. Try charging the battery fully and, if the problem persists, contact Dyson’s customer support for further assistance.

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Battery Life Is Short:

Dyson cordless vacuums are designed to provide a decent battery life, allowing you to clean multiple areas without interruption.

However, if you find that the battery drains quickly, it can be frustrating.


  • Make sure the vacuum is fully charged before each use.
  • Check for any blockages or tangled hair that might cause the motor to work harder and drain the battery faster. Cleaning the brush bar and nozzle regularly will help prevent this.
  • If the battery continues to have a short life, it may be time to replace it. Batteries typically have a lifespan of 2-3 years, depending on usage.

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Brush Bar Not Spinning:

The brush bar is an essential component of your Dyson cordless vacuum, helping to agitate and remove dirt from carpets and rugs.

If it stops spinning, it can affect the vacuum’s cleaning performance.


  • Start by checking for any blockages or tangled hair around the brush bar. Remove any debris that may be obstructing its movement.
  • Press the brush bar reset button, usually located on the cleaner head or the main body of the vacuum.
  • If the brush bar still doesn’t spin, it may require professional assistance or a replacement part. Reach out to Dyson’s customer support for further guidance.

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Cordless Vacuums Any Good?

Dyson cordless vacuums are very good.. With their impressive suction power, versatility, and innovative features, they excel at keeping your home clean and fresh.

The cordless design allows for easy manoeuvrability and access to hard-to-reach areas.

Plus, their lightweight construction makes cleaning a breeze. Whether you’re tackling carpets, hard floors, or upholstery, Dyson cordless vacuums deliver exceptional performance.

While they may come with a higher price tag, the investment is worth it for the quality and convenience they provide.

So, if you’re looking for a reliable and efficient cleaning solution, Dyson cordless vacuums are definitely a top-notch choice!

Dyson Cordless Vaccums Pros and Cons

If you are looking to purchase a Dyson cordless vacuum, here are some Pros and Cons to help you make a decision.

Pros of Dyson Cordless Vacuums:

Portability and Convenience:

One of the biggest advantages of Dyson cordless vacuums is their portability.

Without the need for a cord, you can easily maneuver around your home, reaching tight corners, stairs, and other areas that may be challenging with a corded vacuum.

They are lightweight and easy to carry, making cleaning more convenient and efficient.


Dyson cordless vacuums offer versatility in their functionality.

They typically come with different attachments and tools that allow you to clean various surfaces, such as carpets, hard floors, upholstery, and even ceilings.

You can switch between modes and attachments to adapt to different cleaning tasks with ease.

Powerful Suction:

Dyson vacuums are known for their strong suction power.

Despite their compact size, they deliver impressive cleaning performance, effectively picking up dirt, dust, and debris from different surfaces.

The advanced cyclone technology ensures efficient suction, maintaining cleaning performance throughout use.

Innovative Feature:

Dyson cordless vacuums often come with innovative features that enhance the user experience.

These may include HEPA filtration for capturing allergens and particles, hygienic dust bin emptying mechanisms, and intelligent sensors that adjust suction power based on the surface being cleaned.

These features contribute to a cleaner and healthier home environment.

Cons of Dyson Cordless Vacuums:

Limited Battery Life:

While cordless vacuums offer the convenience of mobility, they are dependent on battery power.

The battery life of Dyson cordless vacuums can vary, with some models offering around 20-60 minutes of runtime.

This limited battery life may be a drawback for users with larger homes or those who require extended cleaning sessions.

However, newer models are continually improving battery life.

Longer Charging Times:

Charging cordless vacuums can take several hours, and some models may require additional charging docks or wall-mounted stations.

If you forget to charge your vacuum, you may have to wait before you can resume cleaning.

It’s important to plan charging times accordingly to avoid interruptions.

Higher Price Range:

Dyson cordless vacuums are known for their quality and performance, but they often come with a higher price tag compared to other cordless vacuum brands.

While the investment may be worthwhile for those seeking advanced features and reliable performance, it may be a deterrent for budget-conscious buyers.

Limited Dust Capacity:

Due to their compact design, the dust bins on Dyson cordless vacuums are generally smaller than those of larger corded models.

This means they may require more frequent emptying, especially during intensive cleaning sessions. However, emptying the bin is usually a simple and hygienic process.

Final Thoughts

Owning a Dyson cordless vacuum offers a convenient and efficient way to keep your home clean.

By understanding and troubleshooting common issues like poor suction, unexpected shutdowns, short battery life, and a non-spinning brush bar, you can quickly resolve these problems and continue enjoying the benefits of your Dyson vacuum.

Remember, if you encounter persistent issues, contacting Dyson’s customer support team is always a reliable option for professional assistance. Happy cleaning!

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