LG Window Air Conditioner Blowing Warm Air (with solutions)

If you’re reading this, chances are you’re feeling the heat and frustration of a faulty LG window air conditioner.

But fear not, because we’re here to help you get your cool back on track.

In this article, we’ll walk you through some common causes of a non-functioning air conditioner and provide simple troubleshooting steps to get your unit running smoothly again

LG Window Air Conditioner Blowing Warm Air (with solutions)

Common reasons why LG window air conditioners not cooling are incorrect temperature settings, dirty air filters, obstructions, or dirty evaporator coils.

For a more detailed explanation, step through the items below to get your LG window air conditioner blowing cold again.


Let’s jump in

Incorrect Temperature Setting

Might sound obvious but you wouldn’t be the first and not the last person not to have the correct temperature setting.

So, make sure the temperature is set properly and that the LG air conditioner is set to “cool.”

Dirty Air filter

The dirty air filter can restrict air flow, which can cause the air conditioner to blow warm air.

If the air filter needs to be cleaned or replaced, do so.

Typically, air filters can be cleaned with a cloth or gently vacuumed (usually located just behind the grill)

Outside Obstructions

Examine the outdoor unit to ensure it is not obstructed by debris or plants.

If the outdoor unit is obstructed, the air conditioner may not function properly.

Evaporator Coils Dirty

Examine the evaporator coils to ensure they are not dirty or encrusted with ice.

If the coils are dirty or covered in ice, the air conditioner may not be able to cool the air properly or may stop producing cold air entirely.

Loose Wiring

Check the electrical connections on the air conditioner to ensure they are secure.

If the connections are loose, the air conditioner will blow warm air.

Avoid attempting to fix the appliance yourself or without a qualified technician’s help.

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Room Not Properly Sized

Check that the air conditioner is appropriately sized for the room it is in.

If the air conditioner is too small for the room, it will struggle to effectively cool the air.

Check out this article that explains how to properly size a Window Air Conditioner

Low Refrigerant

Low refrigerant levels can cause the air conditioner to blow warm air.

To make sure they are accurate, the refrigerant levels in the air conditioner need to be checked.

This is likely to require a technician to take a look

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Also, check your unit for any indications of refrigerant leaks.

Typically, the corrosion will have a greenish appearance.

When this happens, the leak needs to be fixed before you can recharge.

If your air conditioner is leaking, your best option may be to think about getting a new unit because this is a totally different, much more complicated problem.

How Long Does LG Window Air conditioner Last?

Window air conditioners have a lifespan of eight to ten years.

However, depending on how well they’re maintained and the quality of the unit, some units may have a shorter or longer life span.

LG Window Air Conditioners Any Good?

Yes, LG window air conditioners are very good.

LG window air conditioners are among the best available on the market.

They are effective, powerful, quiet, reasonably priced and simple to use.

What the Reviews are Saying

This is without a doubt the quietest and most efficient window air conditioner I have ever owned. Powerful and darn near silent.

The WIFI connectivity is poor though.

It connected readily and easily the first time.

But I haven’t been able to use the WIFI features since I upgraded my bandwidth and speed.

It won’t reconnect.

Source: LG.com



We hope this guide has assisted you in troubleshooting and repairing your LG window air conditioner that was not blowing cold air.

We hope you were able to get your LG air conditioner back to its ice-cold glory, whether you ended up replacing a faulty thermostat, cleaning a clogged filter, or calling in a professional to fix a more serious issue.

Remember that regular maintenance is essential for keeping your air conditioner in good working order.

Follow the manufacturer’s cleaning and maintenance recommendations, and don’t be afraid to call a professional if you’re unsure how to fix a problem.

Thank you for sticking with us, and we hope your home is now a cool and comfortable haven.

Keep your cool,

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