Oven Not Starting But Stove Burners Working (Answered)

An oven that’s not functioning while the stove burners are working can be frustrating and inconvenient.

There are several potential reasons for this issue, ranging from minor to more complex problems.

In this troubleshooting guide, we’ll help you identify and address the common issues that might be causing your gas or electric oven to not work while the stove is functioning perfectly.

Ready? Let’s dive in!

Gas Oven Not Starting but Stove Burners Working

Gas oven not starting but stove burners working is commonly caused by restricted gas supply, malfunctioning ignition, thermostat problems, or safety shutoff function. 

Now we have answered the main question, let’s dive into troubleshooting and get your gas oven heating again.

Check the Gas Supply:

The first step in diagnosing the issue is to ensure that there is a steady supply of gas reaching your oven. If the stove burners are working fine, it indicates that there’s gas available in the line.

However, it’s still a good idea to double-check the gas supply valve leading to the oven to make sure it’s fully open.

Ignition System Inspection:

Gas ovens typically use an ignition system to light the oven’s burner. If the ignition system is faulty, the oven may not ignite.

Start by listening for a clicking sound when you turn on the oven – this indicates that the igniter is trying to light the burner.

If you don’t hear any clicking, the igniter may need replacement.

Igniter Replacement:

A common culprit for a gas oven not igniting is a faulty igniter. Over time, igniters can weaken or burn out, preventing them from creating the necessary spark to ignite the gas.

To replace the igniter, locate it near the oven burner and follow the manufacturer’s instructions to remove and install a new one.

It’s recommended to turn off the gas and electricity before attempting this repair.

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Gas Valve Issues:

The gas valve controls the flow of gas to the oven burner. If the valve is malfunctioning, the oven won’t ignite even if the igniter is working properly.

Test the valve by turning on the oven and listening for a hissing sound near the burner area. If you don’t hear any hissing, the gas valve might be defective and require replacement.

Safety Features Check:

Modern ovens come equipped with safety features to prevent gas leaks and other hazards. If the safety features detect a problem, they can shut off the gas supply to the oven.

Check the owner’s manual for your specific oven model to understand the safety features and reset procedures.

Thermostat Calibration:

The thermostat controls the temperature in the oven. If it’s not calibrated correctly, the oven might not heat up as expected.

Use an oven thermometer to compare the displayed temperature with the actual temperature inside the oven.

If there’s a significant discrepancy, you may need to recalibrate or replace the thermostat.

Professional Assistance:

If the troubleshooting steps above don’t resolve the issue, it’s advisable to seek professional help.

A certified technician can diagnose complex problems, perform thorough inspections, and safely handle any necessary repairs.

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Final Thoughts

A gas oven not working while the stove functions can be due to various factors, including ignition system issues, faulty igniters, gas valve problems, safety features, thermostat calibration, and more.

By following the troubleshooting steps outlined in this guide, you can identify and address the problem, restoring your gas oven’s functionality and ensuring delicious meals once again.

If in doubt, always consult a professional technician to ensure safety and accurate repairs.

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Electric Oven Not Starting but Stove Burners Working

Electric oven not starting but stove burners working is commonly caused by power supply issues, malfunctioning control panel, thermostat or bake element problem

Now we have answered the main question, let’s dive into troubleshooting and get your electric oven heating again.

Power Supply Check:

Start by verifying that your oven is receiving power. Check if the oven’s display is illuminated, and any digital controls are functional.

If there’s no power, examine the circuit breaker or fuse box for tripped breakers or blown fuses.

Resetting the breaker or replacing the fuse might restore power to the oven.

Oven Control Panel Reset:

Modern electric ovens often have complex control panels that can sometimes freeze or become unresponsive.

To reset the control panel, turn off the oven at the circuit breaker or unplug it for a few minutes.

Plug it back in or flip the circuit breaker to the ON position, and then test the oven to see if it responds.

Temperature Sensor Testing:

Electric ovens utilize temperature sensors to regulate the internal temperature.

A malfunctioning sensor can result in inaccurate temperature readings or prevent the oven from heating.

Use an oven thermometer to compare the displayed temperature with the actual temperature inside the oven. If there’s a significant difference, the sensor might need replacement.

Bake Element Inspection:

The bake element is responsible for heating the oven.

If it’s defective or burnt out, the oven won’t heat up properly. Visually inspect the bake element for any visible damage, such as cracks or breaks.

If you find any issues, replacing the bake element should restore the oven’s functionality.

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Broil Element Check:

Some electric ovens have a separate broil element for cooking at high temperatures.

If the broil element is faulty, it can cause the oven not to heat in broil mode. Inspect the broil element for signs of damage and replace it if needed.

Selector Switch Assessment:

The selector switch allows you to choose different cooking modes (bake, broil, etc.).

A malfunctioning selector switch can prevent the oven from operating properly.

Test the switch by selecting different cooking modes and observing if the oven responds accordingly. If the switch is faulty, it may require replacement.

Oven Thermostat Examination:

Similar to electric ovens, thermostats regulate the temperature. If the thermostat is malfunctioning, the oven might not heat to the desired temperature.

Use an oven thermometer to compare the displayed and actual temperatures. If there’s a consistent discrepancy, the thermostat might need recalibration or replacement.

Wiring and Connections:

Loose or damaged wiring and connections can disrupt the electrical flow to the oven.

Carefully inspect the wiring inside the oven and behind the control panel. If you’re comfortable with electrical work, you can resecure or replace any damaged wires.

Otherwise, seek professional assistance.

Final Thoughts

When your electric oven isn’t working while the stove elements are operational, it’s likely due to issues with the power supply, control panel, temperature sensors, heating elements, selector switches, thermostats, or wiring.

By following the troubleshooting steps outlined in this guide, you can identify and potentially fix the problem.

However, if you’re uncertain about performing electrical repairs, it’s recommended to consult a professional technician to ensure safety and accurate resolution.

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