Fellow Stagg Kettle Problems: 7 Common Issues (Simple Fixes)

Fellow Stagg Kettle is a popular choice among coffee enthusiasts for its sleek design and precise brewing capabilities.

However, like any appliance, it may encounter issues from time to time.

In this troubleshooting guide, we will address common problems that you may encounter with your Fellow Stagg Kettle and provide helpful solutions to get it back to optimal performance.

So, make sure to continue reading to save yourself from such situations.

Fellow Stagg Kettle Not Boiling

If your Fellow Stagg kettle not boiling, then there’s something wrong with its switch, heating mechanisms or power connection. 

Here are some solutions to help you fix this issue.

Possible Solution(s):

1. Check the Power Connection:

Let’s start with the basics. Ensure that your Fellow Stagg kettle is properly plugged into a functioning power outlet. Double-check the power outlet with another appliance to ensure it’s working correctly. If the outlet is fine, move on to the next steps.

2. Examine the Power Indicator:

Many Fellow Stagg kettles come equipped with a power indicator light. Check if the light is on when the kettle is plugged in and switched on. If there’s no indicator light, it might indicate a power supply issue or a faulty kettle switch.

3. Inspect the Kettle Switch:

The kettle switch plays a crucial role in initiating the boiling process. Ensure that the switch is in the “on” position and engages properly. If the switch is faulty or shows signs of wear, it may need to be replaced. Refer to appliance technical support for guidance on obtaining replacement parts.

4. Check for Scale Buildup:

Limescale deposits from hard water can accumulate on the heating element, affecting the kettle’s efficiency. Follow Fellow Stagg’s descaling instructions to remove any scale buildup. Once descaled, try boiling water again to see if the issue persists.

5. Examine the Heating Element:

The heating element is the powerhouse behind boiling water. Inspect it for any visible damage, corrosion, or signs of wear. If the heating element is compromised, it may need to be replaced.

6. Verify the Water Level:

Some Fellow Stagg kettles have a minimum water level requirement for safe operation. Ensure that the water level inside the kettle meets or exceeds the minimum level indicated. Operating the kettle with insufficient water can prevent it from boiling.

7. Reset the Kettle:

Certain Fellow Stagg kettle models come with a reset button. Refer to your user manual for instructions on how to reset your specific model. Resetting the kettle can sometimes resolve minor issues and restore normal operation.


By systematically troubleshooting and addressing each potential problem, you can increase the chances of reviving your beloved kettle and enjoying that perfect cup of tea or coffee once again.

If all else fails, don’t hesitate to seek professional assistance to ensure your safety and the longevity of your appliance. Happy brewing!

Related Article: Fellow Stagg Appliances With Most Recalls (Check Before Buying)

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Fellow Stagg Kettle Leaking from Bottom

Leaks around the base of the kettle can be quite dangerous to their proximity to electrical components.

Fellow Stag kettle leaking from the bottom is typically caused by unseen cracks caused by wear and tear.

It’s crucial to fix this issue as soon as possible by following the solutions mentioned below.

Possible Solution(s):

1. Inspect the Kettle for External Leaks:

First things first – visually inspect your Fellow Stagg kettle for any visible external leaks. Ensure that there are no cracks, loose parts, or damaged components. If you spot any issues, it’s time to address them. Remember, prevention is often the best cure!

2. Check the Lid Seal:

The lid seal plays a crucial role in preventing water from escaping during the boiling process. If the seal is damaged, misaligned, or worn out, it could be the source of your leakage.

Carefully examine the seal, and if you notice any issues, contact the manufacturer for a replacement seal.

3. Examine the Water Gauge:

Fellow Stagg kettles often come equipped with a water level gauge. If the gauge is cracked, improperly fitted, or damaged, it may allow water to seep out.

Make sure the gauge is securely in place and undamaged. If needed, consult your user manual for guidance on adjusting or replacing the water gauge.

4. Check the Water Spout:

A leaky spout can be a common culprit for water escaping where it shouldn’t. Examine the spout for any visible damage, misalignment, or loose parts.

If you find issues, contact Fellow Stagg’s customer support for advice on whether a replacement spout or repair is necessary.

5. Inspect the Base for Leaks:

Sometimes, leaks can originate from the base of the kettle. Ensure that the kettle sits flat on the surface, and check for any signs of water pooling around the base.

If you detect a leak from the bottom, it could indicate a more serious internal issue. In this case, it’s advisable to contact Fellow Stagg’s customer support for professional assistance.

6. Descaling and Maintenance:

Mineral deposits from hard water can accumulate over time, leading to performance issues and potential leaks. Regular descaling is essential to prevent such problems. Follow Fellow Stagg’s guidelines for descaling your kettle and pay special attention to cleaning the interior components to maintain optimal performance.

7. Seek Professional Assistance:

If your Fellow Stagg kettle continues to leak despite your best efforts, it may be time to seek professional assistance. Contact appliance repair technical address internal issues that may be causing the leakage.


In the quest for the perfect cuppa, a leaking Fellow Stagg kettle can be a temporary setback, but armed with these troubleshooting tips, you’re well on your way to resolving the issue.

Regular maintenance, careful inspection, and prompt action can help keep your Fellow Stagg kettle in top-notch condition, ensuring many more delightful tea or coffee moments in the future. Happy brewing!

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Fellow Stagg Kettle Keeps Switching On

If your Fellow Stagg kettle keeps switching on by itself and fails to turn on when you try to do so, there are some faulty electrical components inside.

However, there’s nothing to worry about, as you can fix the issue using the following solutions.

Possible Solution(s):

1. Check for External Factors:

Before delving into the internal workings of your kettle, consider external factors that might be influencing its behavior.

Ensure that the kettle’s power cord is not damaged or frayed, and that it is securely plugged into a functioning power outlet. Sometimes, simple external issues can lead to erratic behavior.

2. Inspect the Power Switch:

The power switch itself may be the culprit. Over time, switches can wear out or become misaligned, causing them to engage spontaneously. Carefully inspect the power switch for any visible damage or irregularities.

If you notice issues, it might be time to replace the switch. Many manufacturers offer replacement parts that are user-friendly to install.

3. Check for Limescale Buildup:

Limescale, a common deposit from hard water, can accumulate on the internal components of your kettle, leading to electrical malfunctions. If your kettle has been in use for an extended period without descaling, it may be the cause of the automatic switching on. Follow the manufacturer’s guidelines for descaling your kettle regularly to prevent this issue.

4. Examine the Thermostat:

The thermostat is a crucial component that regulates the temperature of the water inside the kettle. If it malfunctions, it can cause the kettle to switch on unexpectedly.

Carefully inspect the thermostat for any visible damage or irregularities. If you suspect an issue, it’s advisable to seek professional assistance or contact the manufacturer for guidance on potential thermostat replacement.

5. Unplug When Not in Use:

To rule out any external electrical interference, make it a habit to unplug your kettle when not in use. This simple practice can prevent any accidental triggering of the power switch due to electrical fluctuations or issues with the power supply.

6. Perform a Reset:

Some kettles come equipped with a reset button. Refer to your kettle’s user manual for instructions on how to perform a reset. This action can often resolve minor electrical glitches and restore normal operation.


In the quest for the perfect brew, an overactive kettle can be a perplexing obstacle. By systematically troubleshooting and addressing potential causes, you can regain control over your appliance and enjoy a hot cup of tea or coffee without the unexpected interruptions.

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Fellow Stagg Kettle Not Turning Off

At times you might notice your kettle boil without turning off after it’s done.

This is not only dangerous but can also cause your energy bill to rise.

Fellow Stagg kettle not turning off is commonly caused by a loose lid or faulty switch. If the kettle’s lid isn’t properly closed, the water won’t reach boiling temperature soon enough.

So, make sure to tightly close the lid before boiling.

Possible Solution(s):

1. Check for External Factors:

Start by ensuring there are no external factors contributing to the issue. Verify that the power cord is undamaged, the kettle is properly plugged in, and the power outlet is functioning.

Sometimes, the simplest things can cause the most significant issues.

2. Examine the Power Switch:

Inspect the power switch on your Fellow Stagg kettle. Ensure it is in the “off” position and engages properly when you try to turn it off. If the switch is damaged or malfunctioning, it may need to be replaced. Contact appliance technical support for guidance on obtaining a replacement switch.

3. Verify the Lid Position:

Some Fellow Stagg kettles have a safety feature that prevents them from turning on or staying on when the lid is open. Make sure the lid is securely closed during operation.

If the lid isn’t properly closed, it may interfere with the kettle’s ability to turn off.

4. Check for Scale Buildup:

Limescale deposits from hard water can affect the kettle’s internal mechanisms, including the thermostat responsible for turning off the heating element. Follow Fellow Stagg’s descaling instructions to remove any scale buildup. Once descaled, check if the kettle turns off as expected.

5. Inspect the Thermostat:

The thermostat regulates the temperature inside the kettle and signals the heating element to turn off when the water reaches boiling point. If the thermostat is faulty or misaligned, it can cause the kettle to continue heating. Inspect the thermostat for any visible issues, and contact Fellow Stagg’s customer support for further assistance.

6. Reset the Kettle:

Certain Fellow Stagg kettle models come with a reset button. Consult your user manual for instructions on how to reset your specific model. Resetting the kettle can sometimes resolve minor glitches and restore normal operation.

7. Verify Automatic Shut-Off Feature:

Many modern kettles, including Fellow Stagg models, have an automatic shut-off feature for safety. If your kettle lacks this feature or it’s not working correctly, the heating element may not turn off when the water reaches boiling point.

Refer to your user manual to confirm if your kettle should have this feature and contact appliance technician if needed.

8. Contact Technical Support:

If all else fails, and your Fellow Stagg kettle continues to defy your off-switch commands, it’s time to seek expert advice. Contact professional appliance technicians support for guidance on potential solutions or to explore the option of professional repair or replacement.


In summary, a Fellow Stagg kettle that refuses to turn off can be a frustrating issue, but with systematic troubleshooting and careful attention to potential causes, you can often restore control to your appliance.

Your journey to the perfect cup of tea or coffee is within reach, and a well-behaved Fellow Stagg kettle is a key ally on that delightful path. Happy brewing!

Fellow Stagg Kettle Switch Won’t Stay Down

Another common issue with Fellow Stagg kettles is a switch that won’t stay down.

No matter how much you push it down, it won’t stay in place.

The most common cause of Fellow Stagg kettle switch not staying down is a faulty switch located inside the kettle.

Possible Solution(s):

1. Check for Obstructions:

First things first, let’s rule out the simple stuff. Examine the area around the switch for any debris, scale buildup, or foreign objects. A clean sweep might be all it takes to ensure smooth operation.

Pay attention to the switch mechanism itself and make sure nothing is impeding its movement.

2. Inspect the Switch Mechanism:

Over time, the internal components of the switch may wear out or become misaligned. Carefully inspect the switch for any visible damage, wear, or irregularities. If you notice anything concerning, it might be time to consider a switch replacement.

Fortunately, many manufacturers, including Fellow Stagg, often provide replacement parts that are user-friendly to install.

3. Evaluate the Lid and Seal:

Fellow Stagg kettles are designed with safety in mind, and the lid plays a crucial role in this. If the lid or the seal is damaged or misaligned, it can prevent the switch from staying down.

Ensure that the lid fits securely, and the seal is in good condition. If there are issues, contact Fellow Stagg’s customer support for guidance on obtaining a replacement lid or seal.

4. Check for Overheating:

Fellow Stagg kettles are equipped with safety features that prevent them from overheating. If the water temperature rises too high, the kettle will automatically turn off.

If your switch won’t stay down, it could be due to a recent overheating event. Allow the kettle to cool down for a while and try again. If the issue persists, professional assistance may be required.

5. Examine the Power Cord:

A damaged power cord can lead to various electrical issues, including problems with the switch. Inspect the cord for any visible fraying, cuts, or exposed wires. If you find any damage, it’s crucial to replace the cord promptly to avoid safety hazards.

6. Reset the Kettle:

Some Fellow Stagg kettles have a reset button that can help resolve minor issues.

Check your kettle’s user manual for instructions on how to reset it. If there’s no reset button, unplugging the kettle from the power source for a few minutes before plugging it back in might do the trick.


In summary, a Fellow Stagg kettle switch that won’t stay down can be caused by a range of issues, from simple obstructions to internal component wear.

By methodically troubleshooting and addressing each potential problem, you increase the likelihood of enjoying your favorite hot beverages from your Fellow Stagg kettle once more.

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Fellow Stagg Kettle Not Turning On

If your kettle isn’t turning on, no matter what button you try to press, you may be experiencing a common issue with Fellow Stagg kettles.

Fellow Stagg kettle not turning on is usually caused by a faulty power cord or a tripped circuit breaker.

Here are some possible solutions to help you out of this problem.

Possible Solution(s):

1. Check the Power Source:

Let’s start with the basics. Ensure that your Fellow Stagg kettle is properly plugged into a functioning power outlet. Double-check the power outlet by testing it with another appliance. If the outlet is working, move on to the next steps.

2. Examine the Power Cord:

Inspect the power cord for any visible damage, fraying, or kinks. A damaged cord can prevent the kettle from receiving power.

If you notice any issues, it’s essential to replace the power cord promptly. Many manufacturers, including Fellow Stagg, provide replacement parts for their appliances.

3. Verify the Power Switch:

Ensure that the power switch on your Fellow Stagg kettle is in the “on” position. Sometimes, it’s easy to overlook the obvious. Give the switch a firm but gentle press to make sure it’s engaging properly.

4. Check for Thermal Cut-Off:

Fellow Stagg kettles are designed with safety features, including a thermal cut-off that activates if the water temperature becomes excessively high.

If the kettle recently overheated, allow it to cool down for a while before attempting to turn it on again.

If the issue persists, it’s advisable to contact appliance repair technician for guidance.

5. Inspect the Base Connection:

Ensure that the kettle is securely placed on its base and that the base is properly connected to the power source. Some Fellow Stagg kettles have safety features that prevent operation when not correctly placed on the base.

6. Reset the Kettle:

Certain Fellow Stagg kettle models come equipped with a reset button. Check your user manual for instructions on how to reset your specific model. If there’s no reset button, try unplugging the kettle for a few minutes before plugging it back in. This action can sometimes clear minor electrical glitches.

7. Contact Technical Support:

If all else fails, and your Fellow Stagg kettle still refuses to turn on, it’s time to reach out to the experts. repair technician can provide guidance, troubleshoot the issue with you, and recommend further steps.

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Fellow Stagg Kettle Lid Not Closing

A loose lid can be a major issue when it comes to kettles, as it limits their functionality.

Fellow Stagg kettle lid, not closing is likely to be caused by faulty springs, lid misalignment or obstructions.

If you’re experiencing a similar issue, follow the solutions below.

Possible Solution(s):

Title: “Lid Woes: Resolving Issues When Your Fellow Stagg Kettle Lid Won’t Close”

1. Check for Obstructions:

Before diving into complex solutions, let’s start with the basics. Inspect the area around the lid for any debris, scale buildup, or foreign objects. Sometimes, a simple cleaning can free up the mechanism and allow the lid to close as intended.

2. Examine the Hinge Mechanism:

The hinge mechanism is a critical component in ensuring your Fellow Stagg kettle’s lid operates smoothly. Carefully inspect the hinge for any visible damage, wear, or misalignment. If you notice any issues, it might be time to contact Fellow Stagg’s customer support for guidance or to explore the possibility of hinge replacement.

3. Verify Lid Alignment:

Ensure that the lid is properly aligned with the kettle’s body. Misalignment can prevent the lid from closing securely. Gently reposition the lid to align it correctly and try closing it again.

4. Check for Scale Buildup:

Limescale, a common deposit from hard water, can accumulate on the kettle’s components, affecting its operation. If scale is causing resistance, follow Fellow Stagg’s descaling instructions to remove any buildup. Once descaled, attempt to close the lid again.

5. Inspect the Lid Seal:

A damaged or misaligned lid seal can also prevent proper closure. Carefully examine the seal for any visible issues. If there are problems, contact Fellow Stagg’s customer support for advice on obtaining a replacement seal.

6. Gently Apply Pressure:

While exercising caution, try applying gentle pressure to the lid while closing it. Sometimes, this can help overcome minor obstructions or misalignments. If the lid closes with slight pressure, it may indicate a need for further inspection or adjustments.

7. Contact Fellow Stagg Customer Support:

If, despite your best efforts, the lid still refuses to close, it’s time to seek expert advice. Contact Fellow Stagg’s customer support for guidance on potential solutions, whether it involves troubleshooting over the phone or exploring the option of professional repair or replacement.


In summary, a Fellow Stagg kettle lid that won’t close can be a frustrating issue, but with systematic troubleshooting and careful attention to potential causes, you can often restore the functionality of your appliance. Still need assistance best to connect with an appliance repair technician.

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How Long Do Fellow Stagg Kettles Last?

Fellow Stagg is a renowned company in the market of kitchen appliances, and for a good reason.

After all, it’s known to manufacture reliable products using high-quality materials.

So, it’s safe to say your Fellow Stagg kettle will last for years to come.

Additionally, you can increase its lifespan through frequent maintenance.

Are Fellow Stagg Kettles Any Good?

In short Fellow Stagg kettles are good. Fellow Stagg kettles quickly boil water and has settings built into the large, elegant, curved handle that can be programmed by pressing one or two buttons.

Fellow Stagg is a well-known brand that specializes in small kitchen appliances and their kettles are highly rated among customers.

So, it’s safe to say that Fellow Stagg kettles are very good. 

Pros and Cons of Fellow Stagg Kettles

Here are some pros and cons of Fellow Stagg kettles.

Pros of Fellow Stagg Electric Kettle:

  • Stylish and Modern Design: Fellow Stagg Electric Kettles are known for their sleek and aesthetically pleasing design. They add a touch of elegance to any kitchen or coffee brewing setup.
  • Precise Temperature Control: These kettles offer excellent temperature control, allowing users to heat water to specific temperatures for various brewing methods. This precision ensures optimal flavor extraction for different types of coffee or tea.
  • Built-in Brew Stopwatch: The Stagg EKG+ model includes a convenient brew stopwatch feature, which allows users to time their coffee brewing process accurately. It is a useful tool for consistent and precise brewing results.
  • Temperature Hold Function: The kettles have a temperature hold feature that maintains the water at the desired temperature for up to an hour, providing convenience for multiple brews or serving guests.
  • Fast Boiling: Fellow Stagg Electric Kettles heat water quickly, saving time and ensuring a prompt brewing process. This is particularly advantageous for those who value efficiency and convenience.
  • Durable Construction: These kettles are built with high-quality materials, ensuring durability and longevity. They are designed to withstand daily use without compromising performance or aesthetic appeal.

Cons of Fellow Stagg Electric Kettles:

  • Price: Fellow Stagg Electric Kettles are considered premium products, which means they come with a higher price tag compared to standard electric kettles. This may be a limiting factor for budget-conscious individuals.
  • Limited Capacity Options: Fellow Stagg Electric Kettles typically have a capacity of around 1 liter (34 ounces), which may not be ideal for larger households or when serving multiple guests simultaneously.
  • Manual Temperature Adjustment: Some users may find the manual temperature adjustment feature slightly less intuitive, as it requires setting the desired temperature manually rather than having preset temperature options.
  • No Built-in Water Filter: Fellow Stagg Kettles do not have built-in water filters, which means users need to rely on pre-filtered water to avoid mineral deposits and scaling issues. Regular descaling is necessary to maintain optimal performance.
  • Limited Color Options: While Fellow Stagg Kettles are visually appealing, they may not offer a wide range of color options. This could be a drawback for individuals who prefer more diverse color choices to match their kitchen décor.
  • Lack of Cordless Option: Fellow Stagg Electric Kettles come with a cord attached to the base, which can limit mobility and may require a nearby power outlet. This may be inconvenient for those who prefer cordless operation.

It’s important to consider these pros and cons to determine if a Fellow Stagg Electric Kettle aligns with your specific needs and preferences.

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Final Thoughts

When it comes to kettles, Fellow Stagg takes the top spot thanks to its high-performance, reliable, and appealing kettles.

However, while it’s a good idea to get a Fellow Stagg kettle, you must be prepared to fix some common issues regarding its functionality.

So, keep in mind the solutions mentioned above.


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